Current Series

This shows the Cover for Leaving Hope--blue crystalline butterflies flying out from a bluish explosion. The background is black. A caption says this is Free on Kindle Unlimited
Leaving Hope is the first book in the Golden Terrace Colony Series
The cover of Songs of Healing by RLS Hoff shows a young couple in front of a city. A dragon hugs the title. Below the cover is a caption that reads, "Paperback and Kindle Avaialable Now/ Free on Kindle Unlimited"
Songs of Healing is the first book in the Dicrandia Chronicles.


The cover of Dragonpets: The Sacrifice sits on a purple background. On the cover, a dragon flies across the face of a misty moon. The author line at the bottom says R. L. S. HOFF. Below that, on a black background, are the words "Available Now"
Dragonpets: The Sacrifice is the first book in the Dragonpets series.