The Pencil Princess Workshop
The Pencil Princess Workshop is a company started in 2015 by R. L. S. Hoff to facilitate her own writing and her editing and publishing pursuits.
Though R. L. S. Hoff began as the woman of all work, she now hires occasional freelancers to assist with editing her books and other jobs connected to the PPW’s projects. They also help keep her on task. (Yes, we know she’s still missing deadlines, but that is entirely her own fault and NOT the responsibility of her excellent freelancers.)

Who is R. L. S. Hoff?
R.L.S. Hoff is a Christian with a fabulous family who teaches (high school math!) and writes mostly young adult science fiction and fantasy. She lives in a multi-cultural household where she often has to remind one child to learn English because it’s important for life in the US, and the other two children that they must learn Mandarin because it is and always will be their brother’s native language.
When she’s not writing or working at (so far) more profitable gigs, she enjoys reading, gardening, and baking bread.