Hope Gardens eBook


Does Sam get stuck in the greenhouses? Does he hook up with Eleanor? Find out that–and more! Buy the complete Hope Gardens eBook here.

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BookFunnel delivers this Hope Gardens eBook.

Sam’s too smart to fall for the captain’s daughter–or to get stuck in the greenhouses. Isn’t he?

Hope is still a couple of generations away from Shindashir, but the ship is already nearly worn out. Sam’s family lives in one of most dilapidated sections, and he knows they’ll likely have to move to an even more crowded area soon. With his academic skills, Sam’s his family’s best hope for changing their fortunes.

He knows all that, and still Sam is strangely attracted to two things that could upset his chances of landing a scholarship and good job that will pull his family out of poverty—the greenhouses (a dead-end work detail if anybody ever saw one), and the captain’s daughter (a thoughtlessly rich beauty who couldn’t possibly bring him anything but trouble).

Sam must do right by his family, but he also can’t help his greenhouse fascination—or his growing interest in Eleanor.

Hope Gardens takes place in the Golden Terrace Colony Universe (This is also the world of Leaving Hope). The first part of this story was originally released chapter by chapter in R. L. S. Hoff’s newsletter and in the Golden Terrace Colony Tales channel on Channillo.com. (A subscription service for serial content. The channel now has the complete story minus the epilogue and is bringing out a new story—Light Catchers.)



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