a psalm of thankfulness in modern America
in the style (and some of the words of) Psalm 136
by RLS Hoff
Give thanks to the LORD for he is good
His love endures forever
To him who alone does great wonders
His love endures forever
Who thought up galaxies and DNA,
His love endures forever
Rainforests, mountains, oceans, and deserts
His love endures forever
Who brought our ancestors from lands of poverty and persecution
His love endures forever
Into a place of prosperity and peace
His love endures forever
He freed the slaves
His love endures forever
He educated the simple
His love endures forever
He protects the overworked
His love endures forever
He remembers the forgotten
His love endures forever
He gives food to every living creature
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the God of Heaven
His love endures forever.
This is an attempt at a psalm, written as an assignment for my Sunday School class, Imago Dei:
You can find other work for Imago Dei here and here.
Want to make your own psalm? Feel free to add it to the comments. (And if you’re local and don’t have a church, I recommend mine)