
The Pencil Princess Workshop is currently seeking submissions of original short stories for its first ever anthology, Starshine. This was originally meant to be published in December 2022, but delays have made that impossible. We are now aiming to publish in December 2023.
The submission period will end September 30, 2023.
As with all Pencil Princess Workshop fiction, it should fit with the general brand: young adult science fiction and fantasy with strange worlds, stranger creatures, bits of romance…and princesses, of course. (Princesses can be princesses only in their own communities, families, or minds.)
We are looking for
- science fiction or fantasy for young adults
- complete stories between 2,000-10,000 words. Complete (for The Pencil Princess Workshop) means the story must have a true ending as well as a beginning and middle.
- Some connection (loose is OK) to the title Starshine or the cover at left.
To submit, send an email to with your story attached. Put “Starshine Submission” in the subject line.
Accepted submissions will receive $50 upon acceptance (paid through PayPal, or if you prefer, check) for the non-exclusive right to publish the work in print and digital formats.
If your piece is chosen, you will receive word by October 15, 2023. Editing and revisions will be done in late October.
Starshine will be published digitally and in paperback in late 2023.