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Leaving Hope Chapter 3

Leaving Hope Chapter 3–in which Anya fails to express herself to Ryan, and Borsk pulls off a tricky hacking job.

I have some conflict avoiders in my family, and Anya definitely takes after them in that regard. Obviously, what she’s doing now to try and follow her dreams isn’t working, but she isn’t sure what will. What do you think she should do? When is conflict avoidance best, and when does it need to be abandoned?

On a completely different note–I am not a hacker. However, I have some computer types in my house, and from what I can observe, the creation of digital processes is a deeply absorbing and creative activity. Also an incredibly dull one to watch if you aren’t in the know. My goal with Borsk’s adventures in his very real digital realm was to capture that absorption and creativity without bogging non-technical people in esoteric details. So what did you think of this section? How about programming? And hacking? Is it ever okay to skate outside the edges of the law? (And if so, why and when? What makes it okay then? If not, why not?)

Leaving Hope Chapter 3 is part of the Leaving Hope Read-Along series. Comment on any of these (or all of them!) to increase your chances of winning one of the StarRacer copies given away at the end of the month.

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