You are currently viewing Leaving Hope Chapter 9

Leaving Hope Chapter 9

Leaving Hope Chapter 9–in which Anya has a run-in with her father and is forced to flee home (at least temporarily)

This is a super short chapter, so there isn’t a whole lot to say–except that this is one of the first places where we see how little privacy Anya has.

What do you think of parents accessing camera footage of what their kids are doing? Should they be able to do it at all? Some of the time? All of the time?

If you’re a parent, is your answer the same now as it was when you were a teen? Why or why not?

Leaving Hope Chapter 9 is part of the Leaving Hope Read-Along challenge. Comment on this post to join the conversation–and to increase your chances of winning a copy of the next book in the series (StarRacer).

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